Some individuals try to handle their divorce without the help of an experienced attorney. This is sometimes referred to as a Do-It-Yourself Divorce or “DIY Divorce.” Although it is possible to file your divorce on your own and complete the procedure without the help of an attorney, there are many risks that can become a reality and cause disastrous consequences.
Before you decide to file your divorce, without the help of an experienced attorney, consider some of the dangers of DIY Divorce:
- Mistakes. One of the most common problems with DIY Divorce is the potential for making crucial mistakes that could have a lasting impact on your divorce. Some possible mistakes could be failing to file a required document, neglecting to consider important issues, or incorrectly filling out court forms. Some of these errors cannot be undone and are final.
- Unenforceable Agreements. If documents aren’t submitted correctly or properly prepared, they could be considered meaningless and therefore unenforceable in the courts. It will cause more delays to your divorce.
- Agreements May Cause Other Problems. If you prepare your agreement or take one off the internet, it most likely will not be correct. If not done correctly, agreements involving alimony or child support can cause tax problems and even worse, enforcement issues. Agreements involving real estate can also have adverse consequences if not handled correctly.
- Deception. It is common for one spouse to be less informed, especially about family finances. When doing a DIY Divorce, this can lead to deception in negotiations, and one party may end up getting the proverbial “short end of the stick.” An experienced attorney can help organize the information needed and guide the negotiation discussions to reach a much better outcome.
- DIY Divorce Will Probably Take Longer. Many people believe that it will be quicker to handle a divorce on their own. But in reality, it can end up taking a lot longer than if you hired an attorney in the first place. It ends up taking longer because neither party is familiar with the law nor they do not know how to move things along efficiently.
When you are getting divorced, you need to be properly prepared. David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office have prepared many clients for their divorce, child custody, child support, orders of protection and other issues associated with matrimonial (divorce) law and family law.
If you are contemplating getting divorced, and live in Suffolk County, Nassau County or New York City, call David Badanes, Esq. at the Badanes Law Office at 631-239-1702 or email at You may also visit our website: for more information.
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