842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
Badanes Law Office
After an Arrest, Should I Speak to the Police?
David P. Badanes, Esq.
You have been arrested. After your arrest, a police office may ask you to “set the record straight”, “tell us your side of the story” or (if you been arrested with other persons), “your friend says it was all your fault, why don’t you tell us what really happened.” Although, you may believe the police are trying to be helpful, they are not on your side. The police officer’s job is to secure an arrest that is going to stand up in court. The police have been trained and are adept at securing a confession from you. They can even lie and tell you anything to get you to talk. Oftentimes, the police will state “we can’t help you once you get an attorney”, do not believe this. The police are not there to help you. The police officer’s goal is get an arrest and then a conviction. The police want you to speak to them, because, they know that whatever you say will only help them, not help you.
Therefore, you should never speak to the police. The only thing you need to say is: “I want to speak to my attorney” and “I’m invoking my right to remain silent.” That is it, nothing more. No matter what the police say, do not respond, do not answer their questions, simply repeat, “I want to speak to my attorney” and “I’m invoking my right to remain silent.” Let your attorney do the talking.
If you have been arrested, then you need to hire an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney. In Long Island, New York (Suffolk County and Nassau County), David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office will help you in your DWI and DUI case. Call David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office today at (631) 430-4445, email me at david@dbnylaw.com or visit our web site: www.dbnylaw.com.
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