If your ex-spouse is allowed to relocate, with your children, out of state (or within New York State, but, more than 100 miles away), then your parenting and visitation rights will be effected. It is important to know that before your ex-spouse is allowed to relocate, you can petition the Court to prevent the relocation (see article: Relocation (After Divorce) for more information). This article will assume that the Court has allowed your ex-spouse to relocate.
Since your will be a great distance away, typical parenting time arrangements will usually not work. Therefore, it is important to come up with creative solutions so that you can still have a good relationship with your children.
With today’s technologies, you can Skype or Video Chat with your children for little to no cost. This allows you to keep in touch and see your children.
As for parenting time, here are some ideas:
- You should request that you have parenting time once a month, for a full weekend.
- You should request four weeks of parenting time during the summer.
- You should request that you have parenting time during the children’s extended school vacation weeks (December recess, February recess and Spring recess).
- You should always request that your ex-spouse pays for all travel expenses to and from your residence.
David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office excel in seeking creative and innovate solutions to difficult problems. The Badanes Law Office has helped several individuals who have faced relocation issues. If you live in Suffolk County, Nassau County or New York City and need a divorce lawyer, then Contact David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office at by calling, 631-239-1702, or email at david@dbnylaw.com The Badanes Law Office has offices in Northport, Garden City, Brooklyn and Manhattan.