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How To Prepare For A Custody Evaluation (Forensic Evaluation) In Suffolk County, New York

In this article, you can discover…

  • What a custody evaluation is, and what to expect during one.
  • How to prepare emotionally and practically for a custody evaluation.
  • Whether it is possible to contest the evaluator’s findings in court.

What Is A Custody Evaluation / Forensic Evaluation, And When Is It Required?

A custody evaluation is where a child psychologist will meet with you, the other party, and your child to help determine what is in your child’s best interests. Interviews might also be conducted with teachers or other adults in your child’s life.

These evaluations are sometimes ordered by the court if more information is needed and can take two to six months to complete. At the end of these sessions, which will include interviews and psychological testing, the psychologist will present their findings and conclusions to the court.

How Can You Prepare For A Custody Evaluation?

It can be helpful to meet with another psychologist who specializes in child custody cases. Meeting with this person a few times and asking questions about the process can help you better understand what to expect, what the process involves, and what kinds of questions will be asked at the actual evaluation.

Can Your Attorney Be Present During The Custody Evaluation?

While it is possible for your attorney to be present at the custody evaluation, it is not recommended. It could complicate the process or impede the honesty and openness of the interview if your lawyer feels moved to object verbally to certain questions. It is better to simply enter these evaluations emotionally and practically prepared, to not hold back information, and to answer all questions honestly.

What Happens After The Custody Evaluation Is Complete?

After the child psychologist conducts their interviews with you, the other parent, your child, and any other adults in your child’s life, they will review school records and health records, speak with doctors, and finally produce a report. While some of these reports can be up to 200 pages, most fall within a 60 to 80-page range in length.

Can You Challenge The Evaluator’s Findings In Court?

If your custody case goes to trial, the evaluator will be called as a witness and will go over their report in court. If you disagree with the conclusions they draw, you could possibly call expert witnesses of your own to review the report and disagree with their findings. However, it is very difficult to absolutely challenge the evaluator’s report.

What Is The Most Important Piece Of Advice To Keep In Mind When Preparing For A Custody Evaluation?

Always tell the truth. Child psychologists and forensic evaluators are very good at finding out when a person is not telling the truth or whether they’re leaving out important information. It’s best to simply tell the whole truth.

It’s also important not to bash the other parent or try to make them look bad. These specialists are used to hearing such tactics, and it won’t help your case. Simply be cordial, honest, and calm, and the sessions will go much better overall.

Still Have Questions? Ready To Get Started?

For more information on How To Prepare For A Custody Evaluation, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (631) 430-4445 today.


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