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Badanes Law Office

Payment Options for Child Support

By David P. Badanes, Esq.

Whether you are paying child support or receiving child support, there are several different payment options. Let us assume that the child support obligation is $12,000.00 per year.

You could pay/receive child support in the following ways:

• 12 payments of $1,000.00, with each payment occurring once each month. The payment could be on the first day of the month, prior to a specific day of the month (e.g., payment before the 5th day of each month), or on a specific day of the month (e.g., payment will be on the 15th day of each month.

• 24 payments of $500.00, with two payments occurring each month. Typically, payments are made either on the first day and the fifteenth day of each month, or, alternatively, on the fifteenth day and the last day of each month.

• 26 payments of $461.54, with payments every two weeks.. This payment plan usually follows the payor’s pay schedule and therefore occurs once every two weeks at the same time as when the payor gets paid. However, there is no requirement that the payments are made in this manner. If you make payments every two weeks, then there will be some months where you will make three payments in that month.

• 52 weekly payments of $230.77. Typically, with weekly payments, the payment is made on the Friday of each week. However, there is no requirement that the payment is made on each Friday, it could be on any day of the week.

• In very rare instances, 1 payment of $12,000.00 annually. Most courts do not approve of an annual lump sum payment. The courts do not want the large lump sum payment to be unwisely spent.

Most courts do not have a preference as to whether the child support payments are made once a month, twice a month, every two weeks or weekly. Therefore, if you and your ex-spouse can agree, it is best to pick a child support payment option that best fits your situation.

David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office can help you in your divorce. We serve clients in Suffolk County, Nassau County and New York City. Call David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office at (631) 430-4445, email at david@dbnylaw.com or visit our web site: www.dbnylaw.com. The Badanes Law Office has offices in Northport, Garden City, Brooklyn and Manhattan.

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Payment Options for Child Support
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