842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
You Have Been Served!!! What To Do Now?
If you have been served with divorce papers, here is what you need to do:
1. Don’t panic. Most likely, you know that your marriage has been failing. Although, you might be in shock that your spouse actually filed for divorce, there is no reason to panic. If you are going to handle your divorce, then you must stay level-headed.
2. Technically, you only have 20 days to respond to the divorce papers. However, if for some reason, you need more time, you most likely can get an extension of that time. Although, it is not a good idea to be “late”, you may be able to explain, to the Court, why your response is late. If you do not respond at all, then you will be facing serious consequences. The bottom line, hire an attorney as soon as possible, but, don’t rush into it.
3. Find an attorney that specializes in divorces and that you are comfortable with. You will need an attorney to represent you. However, do not rush into hiring any attorney, you should hire a divorce attorney that you are comfortable with. You should also retain an attorney who specializes in divorce cases.
4. You will need to obtain financial documents, for example: tax returns, bank statements, retirement statements, mortgage statements etc.
If you have been served with divorce papers, you need to hire an attorney that will personally handle your divorce, a lawyer that you can trust, knows the law, and represent you zealously.
David Badanes, Esq. and the Badanes Law Office, P.C. can help you and will answer all your questions about the divorce process. Contact David Badanes, Esq. at (631) 430-4445 or email at david@dbnylaw.com.
The Badanes Law Office, P.C. has offices in Northport, Suffolk County and in Uniondale, Nassau County.
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